Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Time Of The Preacher.
Normally I'd shudder at the concept, but HBO has a stellar track record when it comes to episodic television productions and I think the character will get the treatment he deserves in their capable hands. In fact, having read the entire series of 75 issues I think the story would probably work better as a longer term small screen production. There are a lot of great side plots that would inevitably get dropped in the process of adapting it to a film.
I'm rather looking forward to this. Long live the Saint of Killers.
For those unfamiliar with the comic, there's some good info including issue reviews here.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The always informative Cinema Blend has just brought to my attention a story which could be a signal that the end of times is nigh. One of my favourite books, one which has been adapted for the screen and despite the change in setting remained true to the source material and therefore is also a favourite of mine, is being given the broadway treatment. Say goodbye to your sanity, and hello to High Fidelity: The Musical.
I'll pause for a moment while you howl in pain and disbelief...
Feel better? Then let's move on.
I'll be the first to admit that musicals just don't appeal to me at all. But there's a major difference between a story originally written as a musical, and one that was adapted into a musical. The former I've been known to express tolerance for, even if it isn't my proverbial cup of tea. The latter, every time it has been attempted, is nothing more than a mistake of biblical proportions. Need proof? Look what the bastards did to the Evil Dead.
Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I think I'm going to be sick.
Cure For The Blahs Anyone?
Maybe it's just because I miss my better half. I've never been good with distance relationships and even though she's not that far away, and the distance won't be an issue in a few months time, I'm still having a rough time with it. I'll see her again this coming weekend so here's hoping it shakes me out of this funk.
In the meantime I've got a useless but entertaining video to share.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Feelin' The Groove
I had a hard time sleeping last night, so as I often do in such situations, I decided to toss on some tunes to soothe the savage beast known as insomnia. While browsing through the collection, I decided on a whim to go with Morcheeba's 1998 release Big Calm.
It's been quite some time since I played this one from beginning to end. I've picked out the occasional track or two to include on mixes for friends, but I'd completely forgotten the mellow charm this album possesses when enjoyed as a unified body of work. Plus, for reasons I've never been able to adequately explain, Skye Edwards' voice still makes me blush a little.
If you haven't yet had the priviledge, I highly recommend giving this album a go. It's at least worthy of a degree of respect for proving that the infamous "sophomore slump" is more of a guideline than a rule.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
For Those About To Rock... Put Your Shirt Back On!
Australian CSIRO engineers have created an air guitar that actually works, fulfilling the dreams of talentless metal fans around the world.
It comes in the form of a shirt fitted with sensors which pick up the strumming and plucking motions of the wearer, as each arm bends to choose a chord or swings to brush the strings.
The shirt then sends the movement information across a wireless connection to a computer which generates the sound to match.
I can think of at least a dozen people that would gladly sacrifice an irrational number of paychecks to own one of these. If the ability to air guitar an audible song doesn't get you laid, I don't know what will.
The Nation Of Quebec Huh?
It's true that the topic of Quebec sovereignty hadn't just up and disappeared, but at least it had settled to a dull roar and that was something I think we all could have lived with. I am absolutely sick to death of this issue and the prospect of having to sit through yet another highly publicised political cock fight over a free and independant Quebec just makes my stomach turn. Especially since I plan on moving to that province this coming spring.
But for now, I'm not pissed off about the inevitable seperatist rhetoric. I'm pissed off that Harper assumed this was a move he had the authority to make. The man is nothing more than a stop-gap Prime Minister and he knows it. His party was not voted into power because a majority wanted them there, they were voted into power to send a message to a Liberal government drowning in scandal and corruption. A lesson the Democrats south of the border should take note of.
It seems little Stevie has gotten kinda big for his britches. Keep over-stepping those bounds big man. The more you do, the less likely you'll be sitting in that chair come the next election.
Spider-Man Director To Take On The Hobbit?
The story of The Hobbit had a much more light-hearted feel to it than it's successor The Lord of the Rings, and in my opinion Raimi would be the perfect man for the job. The real question in my mind is this: After investing so much time and effort in 3 blockbuster Spider-Man films, will he really want to jump straight into the director's chair for another major big-budget production?
If you ask me, the guy deserves a break. I'm keeping my fingers crossed nevertheless.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Beta = Frustration
I know for a fact that this isn't the case, so my apologies to those whos words of wisdom were lost in the shuffle.
As always, I blame bureaucracy.
Reports that an agile Argentine thief snatched the purse of one of the twin daughters of President Bush while U.S. Secret Service agents were nearby had local media in a buzz Wednesday.
"Bush's bodyguards couldn't handle San Telmo purse-snatcher," read a headline on the Web site of official news agency Telam.
Telam said a government source, who asked not to be named, confirmed reports regarding the robbery. Different local reports said the incident happened on Sunday or Monday.
A law enforcement source briefed on the incident told CNN that Barbara Bush's purse was stolen while she was in Argentina with her twin sister, Jenna. But the source said that "at no point were the protectees out of visual contact and at no point was there any risk of harm."
Barbara Bush, 24, who has the same name as her grandmother, the former first lady, was in a restaurant in the San Telmo neighborhood when her purse was taken, Telam reported.
After a long, brooding ponder on the plight of this uber-privileged socialite, all I can really say about the matter is this:
Seriously though, I imagine she was pretty shaken up by the incident. If I were a member of her secret service entourage, I'd be mighty concerned about my job security.
On second thought, screw her.
And Steven Loses A Notch Of Respect
His argument seems rather hypocritical after a quick glance at his filmography (as Richard at Filmstalker will attest), but hypocracy isn't what really gets my goat about all this. The entire argument that entertainment media is responsible for the moral decay of our children is just plain ridiculous. Entertainment media is nothing more than a reflection of our society, not the guiding hand of our ethical conduct.
Truly responsible entertainment media is about keeping us enthralled with flashy distractions while not letting us get so wrapped up in fantasy that we forget about the very real problems we face on a daily basis. Spielberg and others of like mind are ignoring a timeless and sage piece of advice. Were they to succeed with this campaign, all they would be accomplishing is to shoot the messenger.
The violent problems we face today existed long before television, films and video games, and they will likely exist long after they are gone if we continue to point the finger at scapegoats.
A Cherry Popped By A Lightsaber?
Despite the fact that he seemed to enjoy the series (sorry if I ruined the ending), it seems that some of what my generation found appealing in the original trilogy has been stripped of its intended impact. Gone are the days when audiences gasped in shock at such stunning revelations as Luke's true paternal heritage, or the discovery of his long-lost twin sister.
Oh George, what have you wrought?
You can find the article here.
Brought to my attention by the crew at FilmJunk.
Where to begin?
I don't really know what my motivation was for starting it. I suppose I just lack a forum for expressing myself via written word and feel that I should for reasons that remain a mystery to me. But reasons be damned. What's done is done. I'm here now so I might as well start boring the hell out of whoever might read this drivel.
A little background information might be appropriate:
I've been toying with photography since I was 6 or 7 years old. I absolutely love it. I abandoned it for about ten years for reasons too complicated (and in hindsight, really stupid) to waste time trying to explain. After a number of failed attempts at alternate career options I've finally decided to get back to doing what makes me happy.
The love of my life currently lives about 80 miles from here. She's studying to be a special effects makeup artist. She has roughly 4 months left in her program, at which point the two of us are planning to pick up and move to Montreal. We have no real job prospects there, know absolutely no-one and only one of us can speak even an ounce of French.
I couldn't be happier.